Sunday, November 4, 2007

Martial Arts Resourses

Hey whilst surfing the net oneday I came across a great site called

When I checked it out I found that I could find a huge amount of directories on all sorts of things.

The site is published by Ray Terry who has complied a heap of information on some of the following arts
SinMoo Hapkido, Kuk Sool Won Hapkido, Han Pul, Kong Soo Do, Yudo, Han Mu Do
Kung Sul, Taekwondo, Tang Soo Do, Soo Bahk Do, Hoshinsul, Kumdo, Haidong Gumdo
Tae Soo Do, Hwarang Do, Tae Kyon, Ship Pal Ki, Yu Sool, Kung Jung Moo Sool
Moo Duk Kwan, Kun Gek Do, Choson Do and many more.

Go to Ray,s link and check out all of the info.

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